Indian IT companies did not give high priority to cyber security but the increased number of cyber attacks have lead them into reconsidering their security. Clients typically had a generalized languages in their cyber security contracts for ensuring their protection from hackers but an exponential increase in cyber attacks have shown more is required.
“It is now apparent to the whole industry that not enough attention was being paid to security, including the vendor’s networks. Clients are moving to increase the level of commitment, introduce more audits to inspect the level of compliance and work with their vendors to ensure the appropriate investments in security are made and maintained,” Peter Bendor-Samuel, CEO of IT advisory Everest Research, told ET.
“We can expect to see more attention being paid to this, more demanding contracts, more aggressive audits and substantially more money being spent,” Bendor-Samuel added.
Indian outsourcing consulting giant Wipro is investigating reports that its own internal IT systems have been hacked. Sources told Krebs On Security that adversaries are using Wipro’s systems to launch attacks against “at least a dozen” of the firm’s customers. Wipro has come under fire before: In 2017, UK based ISP TalkTalk was fined after data belonging to 21,000 customers was exposed by rogue staff after the firm hired Wipro to resolve complaints and network problems.
With such cyber-attacks hitting Indian firms, IT Companies are becoming more cautious. Several successful breaches happened due to phishing attacks — where an employee is sent an email that tricks them into installing malware or revealing system passwords — IT companies run training simulations to teach employees about the mails and put those who fail to identify the attack through additional training.
Logix since 1999, is a committed and acknowledged provider of managed services, solutions and products in the Cyber security space with a dedicated team of nearly 20+ professionals supporting Business enterprises across PAN India from Banks, Government entities to Financial Institutions. With a strong focus on research and innovation, we have built extensive capability around Big Data for Security Analytics, Response, and Security Automation.