Don’t Panic Online Shoppers, Amazon Prime is NOT Locked
If you’re an Amazon Prime Member, you might have received an Email saying your account has been locked. Do not take it seriously. New information coming out has warned that this is a classic act used by cybercriminals to launch an all-out phishing attack.
The email starts off by saying that Amazon has temporarily frozen your account because there have been “policy violations” through your account. The email goes on to give a malicious link wherein you can login and fix whatever was causing that issue. Following the email is a Word File Attachment, which claims to give you an account summary.
So, what happens if you DO click on this link or attachment? Hello Dummy Screen! The link takes you to a dummy website with a form developed with exact precision to the original Amazon sign-in page. name, address, and contact details. It also asks for your credit card number, social security number, and other identifying information. Unsuspecting people might very well enter valid credentials, which then falls into unlawful hands. From thereon, your details can be used to hijack your Amazon account and initiate fraudulent transactions.
The email further claims that your account will remain frozen until you follow the link and verify your account. It is important to notice how they are creating a panic situation by attacking the one thing that you do cautiously: online payment. Cybercriminals know how to get you to click that link by creating a fake urgency. Have two-factor authorization enabled for all your services that have this facility. This will send an OTP to your number before any transaction is confirmed.
It’s important for organisation to understand who is sending email on their behalf. Don’t let your domain become a phishing bait for cyber criminals.
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