Wipro Ltd opts for Symantec Safeguard with ATP for Better Email Security

Logix Cloud Email Security With Atp For Wipro Limited

Wipro Limited (NYSE: WIT, BSE: 507685, NSE: WIPRO) being a leading global information technology, consulting and business process services company have all their users hosted on Office 365 for their mail & collaboration. For their email security they had bundled Microsoft’s Exchange Online Protection.
They were on a lookout for an Email Security solution that could provide Better spam catch rate, Better Security & was cost-effective since they had a large user base. All this coupled with an advance technology for detecting spoofed /phishing email.
Knowing the fact that today’s threat environment is more complex & rapidly changing that ever before. Team Logix deployed Symantec Safeguard with ATP for their 1,40,000 users.
The Key Benefits & USP of Symantec Safeguard with ATP are :

  1. Protection against advance malwares & email threat.
  2. Spoofing
  3. Setting up of Customized rules for incoming & Outgoing emails.
  4. Better, easy to use, intuitive Administrative control.
  5. Various Reporting options.
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