How Barracuda Solves the Outlook Mailbox Capacity Problem

Blog544 How Barracuda Solves The Outlook Mailbox Capacity Problem

Is Your User Struggling with Outlook Due to Mailbox Reaching its Storage Size?

The primary issue is that Outlook struggles with its email functionalities once the data exceeds its storage limit

This video explains the challenges, an Outlook user faces when their mailbox nears the storage limit.

A solution that could revolutionize your email management is Barracuda Cloud Email Archival:

  • Ensure seamless searching
  • Secure data storage
  • Enhanced performance no matter the size of your mailbox

With Barracuda’s Unlimited Email Archive and Discovery, you can automatically archive both your old and new email data to its secure cloud.

Get a virtually unlimited storage mailbox for your users

Take a Free POC to experience the solution.

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