Zoho ZeptoMail

Zoho ZeptoMail is a transactional email service that specializes in delivering important transactional emails reliably and quickly
Api Smtp


Email Tracking

Email Tracking

Wordpress Plugin

WordPress Plugin

Detailed Logs

Detailed Logs

Top Up

Auto Top-up


Suppression list

Email Segmentation

Email Segmentation

Email Templates

Email Templates


Custom Reports

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    • Transactional Email Delivery:

      ZeptoMail ensures timely delivery of critical emails such as password resets, OTPs (one-time passwords), welcome emails, and other transactional messages.

    • Integration Options:

      • SMTP Configuration: You can set up ZeptoMail using SMTP configuration. Simply enter the server details and your SMTP credentials to connect your existing application with ZeptoMail.
      • Robust Email APIs: ZeptoMail offers a variety of API libraries for deeper integration. You can seamlessly integrate ZeptoMail into your systems using these APIs.

    • Domain Verification:

      ZeptoMail allows only authenticated domains to send emails. To verify your domain:

      • Add SPF, DKIM, and CNAME records to your DNS.
      • These records validate domain ownership, encrypt email content in transit, and create your domain bounce address.
      • The sub-domain address for bounced emails will be used to display your bounced email counts and stats inside ZeptoMail.

    • Affordable Pricing:

      • ZeptoMail follows a pay-as-you-go pricing model with no monthly plans.
      • Each credit corresponds to 10,000 emails and is valid for up to 6 months.
      • Very economical service
      • Option of opting for private dedicated delivery IP

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